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Название института в соответствии с Уставом ФИЦ ПХФ и МХ РАН.

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На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №20 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

В разделе "Полезная информация" на сайте ИФАВ РАН размещена обновленная информация о порядке оформления экспертного заключения для опубликования в открытой печати

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №19 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

Информация о выполнении 1 этапа проекта по соглашению № 075-15-2024-627 от 12.07.2024 г. по теме «Мишень-обоснованный поиск и отбор перспективных соединений как потенциальных препаратов для лечения заболеваний центральной нервной системы на основе веществ растительного происхождения»

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №18 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №17 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №16 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №15 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №14 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №13 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №12 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

27 мая 2024 г. на собрании Отделения химии и наук о материалах РАН состоялось вручение правительственных наград ученым в связи с 300-летием РАН.
В числе прочих медалью "За заслуги перед отечеством II степени" был награжден научный руководитель ИФАВ РАН академик С.О. Бачурин

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №11 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №10 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №9 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №8 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №7 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №6 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №5 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №4 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №3 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №2 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН в разделе "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств" размещен выпуск №1 дайджеста о разработке инновационных препаратов.

На сайте ИФАВ РАН создан новый раздел "Новости в области разработки инновационных лекарств", который будет постоянно пополняться новыми сведениями о разработке лекарственных средств.

13.09.2022 В разделе "Полезная информация" можно ознакомиться с новыми документами ИФАВ РАН.

Сотрудниками Отдела информации и Лаборатории прикладной спектроскопии разработана база данных публикаций ИФАВ РАН.
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Группа специального органического синтеза

Список публикаций 2023-2001

  1. V. Rudakova, Natalia P. Boltneva, Sofya V. Lushchekina, Tatiana Y. Astakhova, Elena N. Timokhina, Igor V. Serkov, Alexey N. Proshin, Yuliya V. Soldatova, Darya A. Poletaeva, Irina I. Faingold, Viktoriya A. Mumyatova, Alexey A. Terentiev, Eugene V. Radchenko, Vladimir A. Palyulin, Sergey O. Bachurin, Rudy J. Richardson. Combining Experimental and Computational Methods to Produce Conjugates of Anticholinesterase and Antioxidant Pharmacophores with Linker Chemistries Affecting Biological Activities Related to Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease. Molecules, 2023, (в печати)
  2. Makhaeva G.F., Rudakova E.V., Kovaleva N.V., Boltneva N.P., Lushchekina S.V., Proshin A.N., Serkov I.V., Bachurin S.O. New highly efficient multifunctional cholinesterase inhibitors based on the conjugation of amiridine and tacrine homolog. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2023, 72, 2738-2748. DOI: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.104974
  3. Nurieva, E. V.; Alekseev, A. A.; Zefirov, N. A.; Milaeva, E. R.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Makhaeva, G. F.; Zefirova, O. N. Annulated bicyclic isothioureas: identification of active and selective butyrylcholinesterase inhibitors. Mendeleev Communications 2023, 33, 77-79. DOI:10.1016/j.mencom.2023.01.024
  4. Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Rudakova, E. V.; Makhaeva, G. F.; Bachurin, S. O. Synthesis and properties of new derivatives of 4-amino-2,3-polymethylenequinolines with antioxidant function. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2023, 72(3), 802-806. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-023-3844-8
  5. Trofimova, Tatiana P.; Chikunov, Fedor S.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Borodkov, Alexey S.; Orlova, Marina A. Synthesis and cytotoxicity studies of new 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives and their zinc complexes. Mendeleev Communications 2023, 33(2), 201-202. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2023.02.016
  6. Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Ustinov, A. K.; Bachurin, S. O. Phenothiazine derivatives containing a NO-generating fragment. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2022, 71(12), 2757-2760. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-022-3706-9
  7. Makhaeva, G. F.; Proshin, A. N.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Rudakova, E. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Astakhova, T. Y.; Serkov, I. V.; Kalashnikova, I. P.; Bachurin, S. O. Synthesis and study of the biological activity of thiourea-containing amiridine derivatives as potential multi-target drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2022, 71, 2404-2415. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-022-3668-y
  8. Serkov I.V., Proshin A.N., Kovaleva N.V., Boltneva N.P., Rudakova E.V., Makhaeva G.F., Bachurin S.O. Tacrine Derivatives Containing an Antioxidant Moiety. Doklady Chemistry 2022, 506(1),190-195. DOI: 10.1134/S0012500822700094
  9. Makhaeva, G. F.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Rudakova, E. V.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Astakhova, T. Y.; Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Radchenko, E. V.; Palyulin, V. A.; Korabecny, J.; Soukup, O.; Bachurin, S. O.; Richardson, R. J. Bis-Amiridines as Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibitors: N-Functionalization Determines the Multitarget Anti-Alzheimer's Activity Profile. Molecules 2022, 27, 1060. DOI: 10.3390/molecules27031060
  10. Orlova M.A., Spiridonov V.V., Orlov A.P., Zolotova N.S., Lupatov A.Yu, Trofimova T.P., Kalmykov S.N., Yaroslavov A.A. Complexes of сarboxymethylcellulose with Cu2+-ions as a prototype of antitumor agent. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2022, 632. DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.124104
  11. Orlova M.A., Spiridonov V.V., Badun G.A., Trofimova T.P., Orlov A.P., Zolotova A.S., Priselkova A.B., Aleshin G.Yu, Chernysheva M.G., Yaroslavov A.A., Kalmykov S.N. In vivo behavior of carboxymethylcellulose based microgels containing 67Cu. Mendeleev Communications, 2022, 2(5), 658-660. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2022.09.030
  12. Orlova M.A., Trofimova T.P., Zolotova A.S., Larenkov A.A., Orlov A.P., Borodkov A.A., Spiridonov V.V., Radiation stability of carboxymethylcellulose microgels cross-linked with copper ions. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2022, 71(11), 2515-2518. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-022-3681-1
  13. И. И. Любимов, Е. И. Исаева, Е. Н. Ветрова, А. В. Лаврова, Н. М. Грецкая, И. В. Серков, В. В. Безуглов, Г. А. Галегов. Исследование антивирусной активности адамантансодержащих химических соединений. Антибиотики и химиотерапия 2022, 67; 7–8. https://doi.org/10.37489/0235-2990-2022-67-7-8-19-23
  14. Makhaeva, G. F.; Serkov, I. V.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Rudakova, E. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Kochetkova, E. A.; Proshin, A. N.; Bachurin, S. O. Novel conjugates of 4-amino-2,3-polymethylenequinolines and vanillin as potential multitarget agents for AD treatment. Mendeleev Communications 2021, 31, 606–608. DOI:10.1016/j.mencom.2021.09.005
  15. Makhaeva, G. F.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Yu Astakhova, T.; Boltneva, N. P.; Rudakova, E. V.; Serebryakova, O. G.; Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Trofimova, T. P.; Tafeenko, V. A.; Radchenko, E. V.; Palyulin, V. A.; Fisenko, V. P.; Korabecny, J.; Soukup, O.; Richardson, R. J. Amiridine-piperazine hybrids as cholinesterase inhibitors and potential multitarget agents for Alzheimer's disease treatment. Bioorganic Chemistry 2021, 112, 104974. DOI:10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.104974
  16. Kovalchukova, O. V.; Kazachenko, V. P.; Tkachev, V. V.; Utenyshev, A. N.; Strakhova, N. N.; Proshin, A. N. Crystal Structure and Physicochemical Characteristics of Two Novel Adamantane Derivatives of Sulfonamides. Crystallography Reports 2021, 66(3), 424-428. DOI: 10.1134/s1063774521030123
  17. Trofimova, Tatiana P.; Tafeenko, Victor A.; Borodkov, Alexey S.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Orlova, Marina A. New copper complexes with N-(5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-thiazin-2-yl)benzamide ligand. Mendeleev Communications 2021, 31(4), 552-554. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2021.07.039
  18. Orlova M.A., Severin A.V., Shalamova E.S., Ivanov I.A., Belyshev S.S., Trofimova T.P. Modified hydroxyapatite as a carrier for 69mZn, Russian Chemical Bulletin 2021, 70(10), 2023-2026. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-021-3311-3
  19. Proshin, A. N.; Trofimova, T. P.; Zefirova, O. N.; Zhirkina, I. V.; Skvortsov, D. A.; Bachurin, S. O. Screening of a series of 3,5-disubstituted 1,2,4-thiadiazoles for selectivity of cytotoxic action to cancer cells. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2021, 70(3), 510-514. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-021-3116-4
  20. Shalamova E.S., Severin A.V., Trofimova T.P., Belyshev S.S., Orlova M.A. Specific features of sorption of bovine serum albumin on hydroxyapatite doped with zinc ions, and the possibilities of its use as an intermediate binding protein for heterocyclic ligands. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2021, 70(10), 2014-2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-021-3309-x
  21. Akimov M. G., Kudryavtsev D. S., Kryukova E. V., Fomina-Ageeva E. V., Zakharov S. S., Gretskaya N. M., Zinchenko G. N., Serkov I. V., Makhaeva G. F., Boltneva N. P. Arachidonoylcholine and other unsaturated long-chain acylcholines are endogenous modulators of the acetylcholine signaling system. Biomolecules 2020, 10(2), 283. DOI:10.3390/biom10020283
  22. Makhaeva, G. F.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Rudakova, E. V.; Stupina, T. S.; Terentiev, A. A.; Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Radchenko, E. V.; Palyulin, V. A.; Bachurin, S. O.; Richardson, R. J. Conjugates of tacrine and 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives as new potential multifunctional agents for Alzheimer's disease treatment: Synthesis, quantum-chemical characterization, molecular docking, and biological evaluation. Bioorganic Chemistry 2020, 94, 103387. DOI:10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103387
  23. N.M. Gretskaya, Al.M. Gamisonia, P.V. Dudina, S.S. Zakharov, G.Sherstyanykh, R.Akasov, S.Burov, I.V. Serkov, M.G. Akimov, V.V. Bezuglov, E.Markvicheva. Novel bexarotene derivatives: Synthesis and cytotoxicity evaluation for glioma cells in 2D and 3D in vitro model. European Journal of Pharmacology 2020, 883. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2020.173346
  24. Makhaeva, G. F.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Rudakova, E. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Faingold, I. I.; Poletaeva, D. A.; Soldatova, Y. V.; Kotelnikova, R. A.; Serkov, I. V.; Ustinov, A. K.; Proshin, A. N.; Radchenko, E. V.; Palyulin, V. A.; Richardson, R. J. New Multifunctional Agents Based on Conjugates of 4-Amino-2,3-polymethylenequinoline and Butylated Hydroxytoluene for Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment. Molecules 2020, 25, 5891. DOI: 10.3390/molecules25245891
  25. Makhaeva, Galina F.; Kovaleva, Nadezhda V.; Boltneva, Natalia P.; Lushchekina, Sofya V.; Rudakova, Elena V.; Stupina, Tatyana S.; Terentiev, Alexey A.; Serkov, Igor V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Radchenko, Eugene V. Corrigendum to “Conjugates of tacrine and 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives as new potential multifunctional agents for Alzheimer's disease treatment: Synthesis, quantum-chemical characterization, molecular docking, and biological evaluation”. [Bioorganic Chem. 94C (2019)], Bioorganic Chemistry 2020, 96, 103563. DOI: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2019.103563
  26. Makhaeva, G. F.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Astakhova, T. Y.; Rudakova, E. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Radchenko, E. V.; Palyulin, V. A.; Bachurin, S. O.; Richardson, R. J. New Hybrids of 4-Amino-2,3-polymethylene-quinoline and p-Tolylsulfonamide as Dual Inhibitors of Acetyl- and Butyrylcholinesterase and Potential Multifunctional Agents for Alzheimer's Disease Treatment. Molecules 2020, 25, 25173915. DOI:10.3390/molecules25173915
  27. Akimov, M. G.; Kudryavtsev, D. S.; Kryukova, E. V.; Fomina-Ageeva, E. V.; Zakharov, S. S.; Gretskaya, N. M.; Zinchenko, G. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Makhaeva, G. F.; Boltneva, N. P.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Serebryakova, O. G.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Palikov, V. A.; Palikova, Y.; Dyachenko, I. A.; Kasheverov, I. E.; Tsetlin, V. I.; Bezuglov, V. V. Arachidonoylcholine and Other Unsaturated Long-Chain Acylcholines Are Endogenous Modulators of the Acetylcholine Signaling System. Biomolecules 2020, 10. DOI:10.3390/biom10020283
  28. Trofimova, Tatiana P.; Orlova, Marina A.; Tafeenko, Victor A.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Glazkova, Iana S.; Pankratov, Denis A. Mono- and binuclear chloride complexes of bismuth(III) with 2-aminopyrimidine cations depending on specific synthetic route. Mendeleev Communications 2020, 30(2), 202-204. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2020.03.024
  29. Voronin, Alexander P.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Ilyukhin, Andrey B.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, German L. Substituent effect on the packing architecture of adamantane and memantine derivatives of sulfonamide molecular crystals. CrystEngComm 2020, 22(2), 349-360. DOI: 10.1039/c9ce01750j
  30. Volkova, Tatyana V.; Domanina, Ekaterina N.; Chislov, Mikhail V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Terekhova, Irina V. Polymeric composites of 1,2,4-thiadiazole: solubility, dissolution and permeability assay. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2020, 140(5), 2305-23158. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-019-08947-6
  31. Kazakov A.G., Ivanov I.A., Orlova M.A., Priselkova A.B., Aliev R.A., Aleshin G.Yu, Trofimova T.P., Kalmykov S.N., A new method for separation of 97Ru from molybdenum irradiated by ?-particles for nuclear medicine. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2020, 69(3), 615-619. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-020-2807-6
  32. Severin A.V., Berezin Ia A., Orlova M.A., Trofimova T.P., Lupatov A.Yu, Egorov A.V., Pleshakov V.M. Sorption of bismuth(III) and its chloride complexes with 2-aminopyrimidine cation on hydroxyapatite of various textures. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2020, 69(4), 665-670. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-020-2815-6
  33. Spiridonov V.V., Orlova M.A., Ivanov I.A., Panova I.G., Orlov A.P., Antonova Yu A., Trofimova T.P., Yaroslavov A.A., Synthesis of microgels based on carboxymethylcellulose cross-linked with zinc(II) ions and heterocyclic effectors of NO-synthase. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 2020, 585, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.124104
  34. Makhaeva, G. F.; Rudakova, E. V.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Proshin, A. N.; Shchegolkov, E. V.; Burgart, Y. V.; Saloutin, V. I. Cholinesterase and carboxylesterase inhibitors as pharmacological agents. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2019, 68, 967-984. DOI:10.1007/s11172-019- quantum-chemical
  35. Orlova, M. A.; Trofimova, T. P.; Zolotova, N. S.; Ivanov, I. A.; Spiridonov, V. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Borodkov, A. S.; Yaroslavov, A. A.;Orlov, A. P. Copper complexes: cytotoxicity and transport possibilities. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2019, 68(10), 1933-1939 DOI: 10.1007/s11172-019-2649-2
  36. Proshin, A. N.; Trofimova, T. P.; Zefirova, O. N.; Petrova, L. N.; Skvortsov, D. A.; Bachurin, S. O. Novel 5-N,N-disubstituted-5-amino-3-(2-oxopropyl)-1,2,4-thiadiazoles: synthesis and study of neuroprotective and antiproliferative properties. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2019, 68(12), 2279-2282. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-019-2700-3
  37. Sukhanova, Anna A.; Zuev, Maxim I.; Prezent, Mikhail A.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Baranin, Sergey V.; Bubnov, Yurii N. Synthesis of new 4-(pyrimidin-4-yl)pyrazol-3-one derivatives. Mendeleev Communications 2019, 29(2), 196-199. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2019.03.027
  38. Alexeev A.A., Nurieva E.V., Trofimova T.P., Chesnakova E.A., Grishin Y.K., Lyssenko K.A., Filimonova M.V., Zefirova O.N. Bicyclic bridged isothioureas: synthesis and evaluation of activity in a model of lipopolysaccharide-induced septic shock. Mendeleev Communications 2019, 29(1), 14-16. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2019.01.003
  39. Makhaeva, G. F.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Rudakova, E. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Proshin, A. N.; Lednev, B. V.; Serkov, I. V.; Bachurin, S. O. Conjugates of Tacrine and Its Cyclic Homologues with p-Toluenesulfonamide as Novel Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase Inhibitors. Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 2018, 483(1), 369-373. DOI: 10.1134/s1607672918060200
  40. Makhaeva, G. F.; Boltneva, N. P.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Rudakova, E. V.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Grigorev, V. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Bachurin, S. O. Preparation of multifunctional conjugates of tacrine, and its analogs with thiadiazole derivatives useful for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Patent Russian Federation, RU2675794 C1 2018-12-25
  41. Zuev, Maxim A.; Sukhanova, Anna A.; Smola, Alena G.; Prezent, Mikhail A.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Baranin, Sergey V.; Bubnov, Yurii N. Boron-chelate assisted synthesis of new bipyrazole derivatives. Mendeleev Communications 2018, 28(6), 612-614. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2018.11.016
  42. Volkova, Tatyana V.; Domanina, Ekaterina N.; Kumeev, Roman S.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Terekhova, Irina V. The effect of different polymers on the solubility, permeability and distribution of poor soluble 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivative. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2018, 269, 492-500. DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2018.08.062
  43. Nurieva, Evgeniya V.; Trofimova, Tatyana P.; Alexeev, Alexander A.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Chesnakova, Ekaterina A.; Grishin, Yuri K.; Lyssenko, Konstantin A.; Filimonova, Marina V.; Bachurin, Sergey O.; Zefirova, Olga N. Synthesis and antihypotensive properties of 2-amino-2-thiazoline analogues with enhanced Lipophilicity. Mendeleev Communications 2018, 28(4), 390-392. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2018.07.016
  44. Trofimova, T. P.; Orlova, M. A.; Severin, A. V.; Shalamova, E. S.; Proshin, A. N.; Orlov, A. P. The complex of zinc with N-(5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-thiazine-2-yl)benzamide. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2018, 67(4), 768-773. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-018-2135-2
  45. Surov, Artem O.; Churakov, Andrei V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Dai, Xia-Lin; Lu, Tongbu; Perlovich, German L. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2018, 20(21), 14469-14481. DOI: 10.1039/c8cp02532k
  46. Blokhina, Svetlana; Sharapova, Angelica; Ol'khovich, Marina; Proshin, Alexey; Perlovich, German. Cocrystals of a 1,2,4-thiadiazole-based potent neuroprotector with gallic acid: solubility, thermodynamic stability relationships and formation pathways distribution behavior of potential bioactive 1-azabicyclo[3,3,1]nonane derivatives in some organicsolvent/buffer pH 7.4 systems. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2018, 121, 211-218. DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2018.02.023
  47. Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Ustinov, A. K.; Lednev, B. V.; Fomina-Ageeva, E. V.; Ashba, A. M.; Bezuglov, V. V.; Bachurin, S. O. New Adamantane Derivatives with NO-Generating Fragment. Doklady Chemistry 2018, 478(1), 9-11. DOI: 10.1134/s0012500818010044
  48. Voronin A.P., Volkova T.V., Ilyukhin A.B., Trofimova T.P., Perlovich G.L. Structural and Energetic aspects of Adamantane and Memantine Derivatives of Sulfonamide Molecular Crystals: Experimental and Theoretical Characterisation. CrystEngComm 2018, 20, 3476. DOI: 10.1039/c8ce00426a
  49. N.V. Mesonzhnik, N.E. Moskaleva, K.M. Shestakova, K.O. Kurynina, P.A. Baranov, N.M. Gretskaya, I.V. Serkov, I.I. Lyubimov, V.V. Bezuglov, S,A. Appolonova «LC-MS/MS Identification and structural characterization of mainbiodegradation products of nitroproston - a novel prostaglandin-based pharmaceutical compound». Drug Metabolism Letters, 2018, 12(1), 54-61. DOI: 10.2174/1872312812666180309160927
  50. Promzeleva, Maria; Chislov, Mikhail; Volkova, Tatyana; Proshin, Alexey; Kumeev, Roman; Terekhova, Irina. Effects of biorelevant media components on dissolution behavior of 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivative designed for Alzheimer's disease prevention. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2018, 15(2), n/a. DOI: 10.1002/cbdv.201700459
  51. K. Shestakova, A. Brito, N. V. Mesonzhnik, N. E. Moskaleva, K. O. Kurynina, N. M. Grestskaya, I. V. Serkov, I. I. Lyubimov, V. V. Bezuglov, S. A. Appolonova. «Rabbit plasma metabolomic analysis of Nitroproston®: a multi target natural prostaglandin based-drug». Metabolomics. 2018, 14,112. DOI: s11306-018-1413-1
  52. Promzeleva, Maria; Volkova, Tatyana; Proshin, Alexey; Siluykov, Oleg; Mazur, Anton; Tolstoy, Peter; Ivanov, Sergey; Kamilov, Felix; Terekhova, Irina. Improved Biopharmaceutical Properties of Oral Formulations of 1,2,4-Thiadiazole Derivative with Cyclodextrins: in Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2018, 4(2), 491-501. DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.7b00887
  53. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Senan, I. M.; Alasadi, R. T.; Abdulnabi, N. M.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of N,N’-di(1-adamantyl)bispidin-9-ones. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2018, 67(6), 1110-1113. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-018-2189-1
  54. Orlova M.A., Trofimova T.P., Aleshin G.Yu, Belyshev S.S., Orlov A.P., The distribution of complexes 69mZnL1Cl2, [69mZn(L2)2]Cl2, and [69mZn(L2)2]Sal2 (L1 is N-(5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-thiazin-2-yl)benzamide, L2 is 2-aminopyrimidine, Sal is a salicylate ion) in vivo in mice. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2018, 67(8), 542-1543. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-018-2254-9
  55. Proshin, A. N.; Orlova, M. A.; Trofimova, T. P. Biological activity of some sulfur- and selenium-containing spiro compounds. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2017, 66(10), 1931-1933. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1968-4
  56. Orlov, A. P.; Trofimova, T. P.; Osipova, E. Yu.; Proshin, A. N.; Orlova, M. A. Zinc-containing derivatives of 2-aminopyrimidine. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2017, 66(10), 1860-1866. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1958-6
  57. Makhaeva, G. F.; Trofimova, T. P.; Boltneva, N. P.; Rudakova, E. V.; Serebryakova, O. G.; Lushchekina, S. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Bachurin, S. O. Synthesis of new N-(pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-2-aminothiazoline derivatives possessing anticholinesterase and antiradical activity as potential multifunctional agents for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2017, 66(10), 1897-1904. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1964-8
  58. Makhaeva, G. F.; Grigoriev, V. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Rudakova, E. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Serkov, I. V.; Bachurin, S. O. Novel conjugates of tacrine with 1,2,4,-thiadiazole as highly effective cholinesterase inhibitors, blockers of NMDA receptors, and antioxidants. Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 2017, 477(1), 405-409. DOI: 10.1134/s1607672917060163
  59. Grigoriev, V. V.; Makhaeva, G. F.; Proshin, A. N.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Rudakova, E. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Gabrel'yan, A. V.; Lednev, B. V.; Bachurin, S. O. 1,2,4-Thiadiazole derivatives as effective NMDA receptor blockers with anticholinesterase activity and antioxidant properties. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2017, 66(7), 1308-1313. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1890-9
  60. Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, German L. Thermodynamic Aspects of Solubility and Solvation of Bioactive Bicyclic Derivatives in Organic Solvents. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2017, 62(12), 4288-4295. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00641
  61. Brusnikina, Maria; Chibunova, Ekaterina; Silyukov, Oleg; Chislov, Mikhail; Volkova, Tatyana; Proshin, Alexey; Terekhova, Irina. Selective Interactions of Cyclodextrins with Isomeric 1,2,4-Thiadiazole Derivatives Displaying Pharmacological Activity: Spectroscopy Study. Journal of Solution Chemistry 2017, 46(11), 1970-1980. DOI: 10.1007/s10953-017-0684-x
  62. Volkova, Tatyana; Chibunova, Ekaterina; Silyukov, Oleg ; Proshin, Alexey; Terekhova, Irina. Impact of biorelevant media on pharmacologically important properties of potential neuroprotectors based on 1,2,4-thiadiazole. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2017, 247, 64-69. DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2017.09.098
  63. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Senan, I. M.; Alasadi, R. T.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of a new type of 1,3-diazaadamantan-6-ones. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2017, 66(6), 1062-1065. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1854-0
  64. Orlova, M. A.; Trofimova, T. P.; Proshin, A. N.; Orlov, A. P. Effects of some 5-anilino-1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives onto leukemic cells. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2017, 66(5), 932-934. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1833-5
  65. Blokhina, Svetlana; Sharapova, Angelica; Ol'khovich, Marina; Volkova, Tatyana; Perlovich, German; Proshin, Alexey N. Sublimation enthalpy of 1,3-thiazine structural analogues: Experimental determination and estimation based on structural clusterization. Thermochimica Acta 2017, 656, 10-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2017.08.004
  66. Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, German L. Solubility and distribution of bicycle derivatives of 1,3-selenazine in pharmaceutically relevant media by saturation shake-flask method. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2017, 115, 285-292. DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2017.08.012
  67. Andreeva, E. P.; Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Petrova, L. N.; Bachurin, S. O. Application of Molecular Topological Descriptors for Clustering a Database of Isothiourea Derivatives in Studying Structure - Activity Relationships. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal 2017, 51(4), 262-271. DOI: 10.1007/s11094-017-1595-2
  68. Volkova, T. V.; Terekhova, I. V.; Silyukov, O. I.; Proshin, A. N.; Bauer-Brandl, A.; Perlovich, G. L. Towards the rational design of novel drugs based on solubility, partitioning/distribution, biomimetic permeability and biological activity exemplified by 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivative. Medicinal Chemistry Communication 2017, 8(1), 162-175. DOI: 10.1039/c6md00545d
  69. Brusnikina, Maria; Silyukov, Oleg; Chislov, Mikhail; Volkova, Tatyana; Proshin, Alexey; Mazur, Anton; Tolstoy, Peter; Terekhova, Irina. Effect of cyclodextrin complexation on solubility of novel anti-Alzheimer 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivative. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2017, 130(1), 443-450. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-017-6252-1
  70. Galina F. Makhaeva, Nadezhda V. Kovaleva, Еlena Terekhova, Irina V.; Chislov, Mikhail V.; Brusnikina, Maria A.; Chibunova, Ekaterina S.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Zvereva, Irina A. Proshin, Alexey N. Thermodynamics and binding mode of novel structurally related 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives with native and modified cyclodextrins. Chemical Physics Letters 2017, 671, 28-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2017.01.010
  71. Surov, Artem O.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Churakov, Andrei V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Terekhova, Irina V.; Perlovich, German L. Cocrystal formation, crystal structure, solubility and permeability studies for novel 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivative as a potent neuroprotector. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2017, 109(Suppl.), 31-39. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejps.2017.07.025
  72. Orlova, M. A.; Trofimova, T. P.; Nikulin, S. V.; Orlov, A. P. The relationship between NO-synthase inhibitory activity of N-, S- containing heterocycles with their radioprotective and antileukemic properties. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 2: Khimiya 2016, 57(4), 270-275. DOI: 10.3103/S0027131416040052
  73. Brusnikina, Maria; Silyukov, Oleg; Chislov, Mikhail; Volkova, Tatyana; Proshin, Alexey; Terekhova, Irina. New water-soluble dosage forms of 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivative on the basis of inclusion complexe with cyclodextrins. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2017, 127(2), 1815-1824. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-016-5955-z
  74. Severin, A. V.; Orlova, M. A.; Shalamova, E. S.; Trofimova, T. P.; Ivanova, I. A. Sorption and cytotoxicity of zinc on hydroxyapatite. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2017, 66(1), 9-15. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-017-1692-0
  75. Chislov, Mikhail; Silyukov, Oleg; Kumeev, Roman; Proshin, Alexey; Perlovich, German; Terekhova, Irina. Complex formation of cyclodextrins with some pharmacologically active 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives-Thermodynamics and binding mode. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 2017, 127(2), 1797-1805. DOI: 10.1007/s10973-016-5929-1
  76. Orlova, Marina A.; Trofimova, Tatiana P.; Aliev, Ramiz A.; Orlov, Alexey P.; Nikulin, Sergey V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Kalmykov, Stepan N. 69mZn-containing radiopharmaceuticals: a novel approach to molecular design. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2017, 311(2), 1177-1183. DOI: 10.1007/s10967-016-5076-y
  77. Makhaeva, Galina F.; Boltneva, Natalia P.; Lushchekina, Sofya V.; Serebryakova, Olga G.; Stupina, Tatyana S.; Terentiev, Alexey A. Serkov, Igor V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Bachurin, Sergey O.; Richardson, Rudy J. Synthesis, molecular docking and biological evaluation of N,N-disubstituted 2-aminothiazolines as a new class of butyrylcholinesterase and carboxylesterase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2016, 24(5), 1050-1062. DOI: 10.1016/j.bmc.2016.01.031
  78. Ustinov, A. K.; Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Boltneva, N. P.; Makhaeva, G. F.; Bachurin, S. O. Synthesis of ?-carbolines containing NO-donor fragment and assessment of their anticholinesterase activity. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2016, 65(11), 2718-2721. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1641-3
  79. Orlov, A. P.; Orlov, M. A.; Trofimova, T. P.; Osipova, E. Yu.; Proshin, A. N. Effect of salicylates and zinc salts on leukemic cells, Russian Chemical Bulletin 2016, 65(7), 1879-1881. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1525-6
  80. Makhaeva, G. F.; Proshin, A. N.; Boltneva, N. P.; Rudakova, E. V.; Kovaleva, N. V.; Serebryakova, O. G.; Serkov, I. V.; Bachurin, S. O. 1,2,4-Thiadiazoles as promising multifunctional agents for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2016, 65(6), 1586-1591. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1486-9
  81. Makhaeva, G. F.; Trofimova, T. P.; Boltneva, N. P.; Serebryakova, O. G.; Rudakova, E. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Bachurin, S. O. Synthesis and studies of biological activity of N-(4-tert-butylbenzyl)-N-(pyridin-3-ylmethyl)-2-aminothiazolines as potential multifunctional agents for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2016, 65(5), 1341-1345. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1459-z
  82. Shikhaliev, Kh. S.; Romanov, P. S.; Shestakov, A. S.; Stolpovskaya, N. V.; Krysin, M. Yu.; Potapov, A. Yu.; Proshin, A. N. Synthesis of polyazaheterocycles containing linearly bound 1,2,4-thiadiazole using enaminones. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2016, 65(4), 1008-1012. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1404-1
  83. Razenko, I. O.; Serova, T. M.; Kuznetsov, A. I. Synthesis of 5,7-nonamethylene-1,3-diazaadamantan-6-one. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2016, 65(10), 2458-2460. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1606-6
  84. Radchenko, E. V.; Makhaeva, G. F.; Boltneva, N. P.; Serebryakova, O. G.; Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Palyulin, V. A.; Zefirov, N. S. Molecular design of N,N-disubstituted 2-aminothiazolines as selective carboxylesterase inhibitors. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2016, 65(2), 570-575. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1339-6
  85. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V. Synthesis of selenium analogues of 1-azabicyclo[4.4.0]decane. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2016, 65(1), 298-300. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1302-6
  86. Alasadi, R. T.; Razenko, I. O.; Burakov, V. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Serova, T. M.; Kuznetsov, A. I. Synthesis of diazahomoadamantanones thiosemicarbazones. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2016, 52(5), 740-744. DOI: 10.1134/s1070428016050213
  87. Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Ustinov, A. K.; Bachurin, S. O. Nitroxyethylamides of carbazolecarboxylic acids. Doklady Chemistry 2016, 466(2), 45-47. DOI: 10.1134/s0012500816020075
  88. Perlovich, G. L.; Volkova, T. V.; Sharapova, A. V.; Kazachenko, V. P.; Strakhova, N. N.; Proshin, A. N. Adamantane derivatives of sulfonamides: sublimation, solubility, solvation and transfer processes in biologically relevant solvents. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016, 18(13), 9281-9294. DOI: 10.1039/c6cp00379f
  89. Bogatyrenko, T. N.; Kuropteva, Z. V.; Bayder, L. M.; Serkov, I. V.; Bogatyrenko, V. R.; Sashenkova, T. E.; Klimanova, E. N.; Mishchenko, D. V.; Konovalova, N. P. Ways to enhance chemosensitizing of tumor cells with NO donors in tumor therapy with cytostatics and hydroxamic acids. 1. Modulation of cytochrome P-450 activity. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2016, 65(10), 2509-2512. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-016-1615-5
  90. Neganova, M. E.; Proshin, A. N.; Redkozubova, O. M.; Serkov, I. V.; Serkova, T. P.; Dubova, L. G.; Shevtsova, E. F. N,N'-Substituted Selenoureas as Polyfunctional Antioxidants. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 2016, 160(3), 340-342. DOI: 10.1007/s10517-016-3165-0
  91. Surov, Artem O.; Bui, Cong Trinh; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, German L. Impact of structural modification of 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives on thermodynamics of solubility and solvation processes in 1-octanol and n-hexane. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2016, 96, 57-66. DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2015.12.016
  92. Serkov, I. V.; Serova, T. M.; Proshin, A. N.; Bachurin, S. O. Synthesis of selenoureas and heterocycles based thereon. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015, 51(4), 453-471. DOI: 10.1134/s1070428015040016
  93. Surov, A. O.; Bui, C. T.; Volkova, T. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Perlovich, G. L. The impact of structural modification of 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives on thermodynamics of solubility and hydration processes. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2015, 17(32), 20889-20896. DOI: 10.1039/c5cp03263f
  94. Proshin, A. N.; Grigor'ev, V. V.; Tikhonova, I. G.; Palyulin, V. A.; Bachurin, S. O. Tetrasubstituted thiuronium salts as multitarget compounds affecting brain NMDA and AMPA receptors. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2015, 64(9), 2189-2194. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-015-1137-6
  95. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Alasadi, R. T.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of fragrant substances. Diazaadamantanones. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2015, 51(11), 1593-1596. DOI: 10.1134/s1070428015110135
  96. Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, GermanL. New Bicyclic 1,3-Selenazine Derivatives: Distribution in Model Biological Media and Membrane Permeability. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2015, 60(4), 1146-1152. DOI: 10.1021/je501101f
  97. Brusnikina, M. A.; Chislov, M. V.; Silyukov, O. I.; Volkova, T. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Terekhova, I. V. Complexation of ?-cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl-?-cyclodextrin with 1,2,4-thiadazole based bioactive compound. Khimiya v Interesakh Ustoichivogo Razvitiya 2015, 23(5), 601-606. DOI: 10.15372/khur20150514
  98. Grint, Daniel; Peters, Lars; Rockstroh, Juergen K.; Rakmanova, Aza; Trofimova, Tatiana; Lacombe, Karine; Karpov, Igor; Galli, Massimo; Domingo, Pere; Kirk, Ole; Liver-related death among HIV/hepatitis C virus-co-infected individuals: implications for the era of directly acting antivirals. AIDS (London, United Kingdom) 2015, 29(10), 1205-1215. DOI: 10.1097/qad.0000000000000674
  99. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Alasadi, R. T.; Senan, I. M.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of fragrant 3,6-diazahomoadamantan-9-ones. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2015, 64(4), 962-964. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-015-0964-9
  100. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Petrova, L. N.; Bachurin, S. O. 5-Amino-3-(2-aminopropyl)-1,2,4-thiadiazoles as the basis of hybrid multifunctional compounds. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2014, 63(5), 1148-1152. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-014-0563-1
  101. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Akimov, M. G.; Fomina-Ageeva, E. V.; Bezuglov, V. V.; Bachurin, S. O. 5-amino-3-(2-aminopropyl)-[1,2,4]thiadiazole derivs with anticancer activity. Patent Russian Federation, RU2536824 C1 2014-12-27
  102. Perlovich, German L.; Ryzhakov, Alex M.; Tkachev, Valery V.; Proshin, Alexey N. Adamantane derivatives of sulfonamide molecular crystals: structure, sublimation thermodynamic characteristics, molecular packing, and hydrogen bond networks. CrystEngComm 2015, 17(4), 753-763. DOI: 10.1039/c4ce02076f
  103. Akimov, M. G.; Gretskaya, N. M.; Karnoukhova, V. A.; Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Shtratnikova, V. Yu.; Bezuglov, V. V. The influence of docosahexaenoic acid moiety on cytotoxic activity of 1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 2014, 60(4), 473-478. DOI: 10.18097/pbmc20146004473
  104. Orlova, M. A.; Roumiantsev, S. A.; Orlov, A. P.; Nikulin, S. V.; Trofimova, T. P.; Filimonova, M. V.; Poloznikov, A. A.; Osipova, E. Yu. Prospects of new approaches to impact leukemia cells. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2014, 63(5), 1205-1210. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-014-0574-y
  105. Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, German L. Effect of the structure, solid state and lipophilicity on the solubility of novel bicyclic derivatives. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2014, 78, 152-158. DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2014.06.014
  106. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Senan, I. M.; Razenko, I. O.; Serova, T. M. Formation of 1,3-diazaadamantane derivatives by the reaction of bispidine derivatives with dialdehydes. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2014, 63(12), 2689-2692. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-014-0800-7
  107. Wignisse, Julie; Steinbusch, Harry W. M.; Grigoriev, Vladimir; Bolkunov, Alexei; Proshin, Alexey; Bettendorff, Lucien; Bachurin, Sergey; Strekalova, Tatyana. Concomitant manipulation of murine NMDA- and AMPA-receptors to produce pro-cognitive drug effects in mice. European Neuropsychopharmacology 2014, 24(2), 309-320. DOI: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2013.06.010
  108. Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelika V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, German. L. Solubility and Solution Thermodynamics of Novel Bicyclic Derivatives of 1,3-Selenazine in Biologica Relevant Solvents. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2014, 59(7), 2298-2304. DOI: 10.1021/je500363r
  109. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Alasadi, R. T.; Senan, I. M.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of fragrant 1,3-diazaadamantan-6-ones. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2014, 63(9), 2195-2197. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-014-0719-z
  110. Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Bachurin, Sergey O.; Perlovich, German L. Synthesis, biological activity, distribution and membrane permeability of novel spiro-thiazines as potent neuroprotectors. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2014, 77, 8-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2014.02.052
  111. Chugunova, Elena A.; Voloshina, Alexandra D.; Mukhamatdinova, Rezeda E.; Serkov, Igor V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Gibadullina, Elmira M.; Burilov, Alexander R.; Kulik, Natalia V.; Zobov, Vladimir V.; Krivolapov, Dmitry B. The Study of the Biological Activity of Amino-Substituted Benzofuroxans. Letters in Drug Design & Discovery 2014, 11(4), 502-512. DOI: 10.2174/1570180810666131122010403
  112. Surov, Artem O.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, German L. Crystal structure analysis and sublimation thermodynamics of bicyclo derivatives of a neuroprotecto family. Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials 2014, 70(1), 47-53. DOI: 10.1107/s2052520613024384
  113. Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Perlovich, German L.; Proshin, Alexey N. Vapor pressures and sublimation enthalpies of novel bicyclic heterocycle derivatives. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2014, 69, 107-111. DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2013.09.042
  114. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Lermontov, A. S.; Shevtsova, E. F.; Neganova, M. E.; Bachurin, S. O. Novel bicyclic derivatives of 1,3-selenazine. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2013, 62(1), 142-146. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-013-0021-5
  115. Orlova, M. A.; Trofimova, T. P.; Filimonova, M. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Zaitsev, D. A. Effect of the thiazine and thiourea derivatives as NO-synthase effectors on the survival of leukem cells. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2013, 62(4), 1111-1114. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-013-0150-x
  116. Perlovich, German L.; Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Proshin, Alexey N. Solubility, Solvation and Distribution of Novel Spiro-Derivatives of 1,3-Thiazine in Aqueous and Organic Solutions. Journal of Solution Chemistry 2013, 42(10), 2057-2069. DOI: 10.1007/s10953-013-0089-4
  117. Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Perlovich, German L.; Proshin, Alexey N. Thermodynamics of sublimation and solvation for bicyclo-derivatives of 1,3-thiazine. Thermochimica Acta 2013, 569, 61-65. DOI: 10.1016/j.tca.2013.07.005
  118. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Chernyak, A. V.; Bachurin, S. O. New spiro derivatives of isoselenourea in 1,3-selenazine series. Doklady Chemistry 2013, 451(2), 201-202. DOI: 10.1134/s0012500813080028
  119. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Senan, I. M.; Alasadi, R. T.; Shukkur, A. Kh.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of 1-benzyl-3,6-diazahomoadamantane. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2013, 49(11), 1670-1675. DOI: 10.1134/s1070428013110183
  120. Boltneva, N. P.; Serebryakova, O. G.; Makhaeva, G. F.; Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Bachurin, S. O. N,N-disubstituted 2-aminothiazolines as new inhibitors of serine esterases. Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics 2013, 451(1), 209-211. DOI: 10.1134/s160767291304011x
  121. Surov, Artem O.; Bui, Cong Trinh; Proshin, Alexey N.; Roussel, Pascal; Idrissi, Abdenacer; Perlovich, German L. Novel 1,2,4-Thiadiazole Derivatives: Crystal Structure, Conformational Analysis, Hydrogen Bond, Networks, Calculations, and Thermodynamic Characteristics of Crystal Lattices. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2013, 117(36), 10414-10429. DOI: 10.1021/jp405624e
  122. Serkov, I. V.; Chugunova, E. A.; Burilov, A. R.; Voloshina, A. D.; Kulik, N. V.; Zobov, V. V.; Proshin, A. N. Benzofuroxans containing NO-generating fragment. Russian Journal of General Chemistry 2013, 83(5), 1007-1009. DOI: 10.1134/s1070363213050241
  123. Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, German L. Partition coefficients and thermodynamics of transfer of novel drug-like spiro-derivatives in model biological solutions. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 2013, 61, 11-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.jct.2013.01.022
  124. Perlovich, German L.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Lermontov, Anatoly S. Novel Spiro-Derivatives of 1,3-Thiazine Molecular Crystals: Structural and Thermodynamic Aspects. Crystal Growth & Design 2013, 13(2), 804-815. DOI: 10.1021/cg301511x
  125. Serkov, I. V.; Chugunova, E. A.; Burilov, A. R.; Bachurin, S. O. Synthesis of amino acid derivatives of benzofuroxan. Doklady Chemistry 2013, 450(2), 149-151. DOI: 10.1134/s0012500813060013
  126. Bezuglov, V. V.; Akimov, M. G.; Serkov, I. V. Hybrid multifunctional ibuprofen drugs: new generation and novel possibilities. Review. Ibuprofen 2013, 275-310
  127. Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Petrova, L. N.; Gretskaya, N. M.; Bezuglov, V. V.; Bachurin, S. O. Novel hybrid compounds based on amino derivatives of 1,2,4-thiadiazole and docosahexaenoic acid. Doklady Chemistry 2012, 447(1), 238-240. DOI: 10.1134/s0012500812110031
  128. Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Perlovich, German L.; Proshin, Alexey N. Vapor Pressures and Sublimation Thermodynamic Parameters for Novel Drug-Like Spiro-Derivatives. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2012, 57(12), 3452-3457. DOI: 10.1021/je300610y
  129. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Senan, I. M.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of N,N’-di(tert-butyl)bispidin-9-ones. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2012, 61(2), 308-312. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-012-0043-4
  130. Serkov, I. V.; Gretskaya, N. M.; Bezuglov, V. V. Analogs of 2-Arachidonoylglycerin containing the NO-donor group. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2012, 48(3), 367 DOI: 10.1007/s10600-012-0253-x
  131. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Bachurin, S. O. Novel binary compounds derived from 1,2,4-thiadiazole. Doklady Chemistry 2012, 446(1), 171-173. DOI: 10.1134/s0012500812090017
  132. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Senan, I. M.; Shukkur, A. Kh.; Azzheurova, I. A.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of 3,6-diazahomoadamantane. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2012, 48(1), 119-122. DOI: 10.1134/s1070428012010198
  133. Grigoriev, V. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Kinzirskii, A. S.; Bachurin, S. O. Binary Mechanism of Action of Cognition Enhancer NT1505 on Glutamate Receptors. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 2012, 153(3), 298-300. DOI: 10.1007/s10517-012-1699-3
  134. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Mazhed, G. M.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of 1-methyl-8-(pyridin-2-yl)-3,6-diazahomoadamantane and its derivatives. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, 46(10), 1534-1536. DOI: 10.1134/s1070428010100155
  135. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Petrova, L. N.; Bachurin, S. O. Novel spiroderivatives of isothiourea of the 1,3-thiazine series as promising neuroprotectors. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2011, 60(11), 2436-2438. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-011-0377-3
  136. Proshin, A. N.; Trofimova, T. P.; Bachurin, S. O. New tetrasubstituted thioureas containing the 1-iminoethyl moiety. Russian Chemical Bulletin 2011, 60(11), 2432-2433. DOI: 10.1007/s11172-011-0375-5
  137. Blokhina, Svetlana V.; Ol'khovich, Marina V.; Sharapova, Angelica V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Perlovich, German L. Thermodynamics of Solubility Processes of Novel Drug-like Spiro-Derivatives in Model Biologica Solutions. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2012, 57(7), 1996-2003. DOI: 10.1021/je300143a
  138. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Bachurin, S. O. Synthesis of selenium analogs of 1-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane. Doklady Chemistry 2012, 443(1), 80-81. DOI: 10.1134/s0012500812030044
  139. Безуглов В.В., Серков И.В. Избирательная защита гидроксильных групп в природных простагландинах типов Е и F. Химия природных соединений 2012, 2, 260-265. DOI: 10.1007/s10600-012-0224-2
  140. Proshin, Alexey N.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Petrova, Ludmila N.; Bachurin, Sergey O. Novel 1,2,4-Thiadiazole Derivatives as Potent Neuroprotectors: Approach to Creation of Bioavailable. Molecular Pharmaceutics 2012, 9(8), 2156-2167. DOI: 10.1021/mp300011r
  141. Серков И.В., Грецкая Н.М., Безуглов В.В. Аналоги 2-арахидоноилглицерина, содержащие NO-донорный фрагмент. Химия природных соединений 2012, 3, 334-336. DOI: 10.1007/s10600-012-0253-x
  142. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Bachurin, S. O. 5-Amino-3-(2-nitroxypropyl)-1,2,4-thiadiazoles and method of synthesis and neuroprotective activity. Patent Russian Federation, RU2434856 C1 2011-11-27
  143. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Bachurin, S. O. N,N',N'-Trisubstituted isoselenoureas as bioisosteric analogs of isothioureas and process for preparation thereof. Patent Russian Federation, RU2434852 C1 2011-11-27
  144. Zefirova, Olga N.; Moisseeva, Natalya N.; Nurieva, Evgeniya V.; Trofimova, Tatyana P.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Slovokhotov, Yuri L. Molecular and crystal structures of hetero-analogues of bicyclo[3.3.1]nonane with nitrogen and sulfur atoms. Mendeleev Communications 2011, 21(5), 247-249. DOI: 10.1016/j.mencom.2011.09.005
  145. Безуглов В.В., Серков И.В. Химическая модификация биоэффекторных липидов. 2011, (ISBN 978-3-8465-0406-2), LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG Dudweiler Landstra?e, 99, 66123, Saarbrucken Germany.
  146. Perlovich, German L.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Bui, Cong Trinh; Bachurin, Sergey O. Thermodynamic and Structural Aspects of Novel 1,2,4-Thiadiazoles in Solid and Biological Mediums. Molecular Pharmaceutics 2011, 8(5), 1807-1820. DOI: 10.1021/mp2003237
  147. Serkov, I. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Petrova, L. N.; Bachurin, S. O. Novel 1,2,4-thiadiazoles with an NO-producing fragment. Doklady Chemistry 2010, 435(2), 311-313. DOI: 10.1134/s0012500810120013
  148. Серков И.В., Грецкая Н.М., Безуглов В.В. Нитроанандамид, нитропростамиды Е2 и F2 и их аналоги. Химия природных соединений 2010, 5, 591-594.
  149. Bachurin, S. O.; Grigor'ev, V. V.; Beznosko, B. K.; Bolkunov, A. V.; Kovalev, G. I.; Proshin, A. N. Simultaneous AMPA receptor potentiation and NMDA receptor blockade as strategy for developing effective stimulants of cognitive functions. Eksperimental'naya i Klinicheskaya Farmakologiya 2010, 73(7), 6-12.
  150. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Mazhed, G. M.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of 1-(pyridin-4-yl)-3,6-diazahomoadamantane and its derivatives. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2010, 46(3), 380-382. DOI: 10.1134/s1070428010030139
  151. Perlovich, German L.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Sergeev, Dmitriy Yu; Bui, Cong Trinh; Petrova, Ludmila N; Bachurin, Sergey O. Synthesis, pharmacology, crystal properties, and quantitative solvation studies from a drug transport perspective for three new 1,2,4-thiadiazoles. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2010, 99(9), 3754-3768. DOI: 10.1002/jps.22143
  152. Proshin, A. N.; Serkov, I. V.; Bachurin, S. O. Synthesis of tetrasubstituted isoselenoureas. Doklady Chemistry 2010, 430(1), 8-10. DOI: 10.1134/s0012500810010039
  153. Андрианова Е.Л., Бобров М.Ю., Грецкая Н.М., Зинченко Г.Н., Серков И.В., Фомина-Агеева Е.В., Безуглов В.В. Действие нейролипинов и их синтетических аналогов на нормальные и трансформированные глиальные клетки. Нейрохимия 2010, 27, № 1. 53-62.
  154. Григорьев В.В., Серков И.В., Безноско Б.К., Иванова Т.А., Грецкая Н.М., Безуглов В.В., Бачурин С.О. Действие производных арахидоновой и докозагексаеновой кислот на АМРА-рецепторы в нейронах Пуркинье и на когнитивные функции у мышей. Известия РАН. Серия биологическая 2010, № 3, 370–374.
  155. И.В.Серков, В.В.Безуглов. Фторангидриды простагландинов в синтезе производных природных простагландинов по карбоксильной группе. Биоорганическая химия 2009, 35, № 1, 1–7. Prostaglandin fluorides in synthesis of natural prostaglandin derivatives at carboxyl group. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 2009. 35. № 1. 111-117.
  156. И.В.Серков, В.В.Безуглов. 1,3-O-нитраты циклооксигеназных метаболитов эндоканнабиноида 2-арахидоноилглицерина. Синтез и свойства. Биоорганическая химия 2009, 35, № 2, 254–252.
  157. Серков И.В., Безуглов В.В. Многофункциональные соединения, содержащие органические нитраты – прототипы гибридных лекарственных препаратов. Успехи химии 2009. 78, № 5, 442–465. DOI: 10.1070/RC2009v078n05ABEH004024
  158. Серков И.В., Безуглов В.В. Нитроксиалкиламиды как прототипы гибридных нестероидных противовоспалительных препаратов, содержащих NO-донорный фрагмент. Доклады Академии наук. 2009. 425, № 6, 777–779. Synthesis of new nitroxyalkylamides as potential prototypes of hybrid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs containing no-donating fragment Serkov I.V., Bezuglov V.V. Doklady Chemistry 2009, 425, № 2. 88-90. DOI: 10.1134/S0012500809040065
  159. Turanov, A. N.; Karandashev, V. K.; Proshin, A. N. Recovery of palladium(II) in extraction and sorption systems with 5-amino-1,2,4-thiadiazole derivatives. Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii 2009, 54(11), 1930-1934. DOI: 10.1134/S0036023609110278
  160. Trofimova, T. P.; Zefirova, O. N.; Mandrugin, A. A.; Lys, Ya. I.; Pushin, A. N.; Proshin, A. N.; Proskuryakov, S. Ya.; Fedoseev, V. M. Synthesis of potential radioprotectors based on cyclic isothiourea derivatives. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 2: Khimiya 2009, 50(5), 363-368. DOI: 10.3103/S0027131409050101
  161. Grigoriev, V. V.; Proshin, A. N.; Kinzirsky, A. S.; Bachurin, S. O. Modern approaches to the design of memory and cognitive enhancers based on AMPA receptor ligands. Russian Chemical Reviews 2009, 78(5), 485-494. DOI: 10.1070/rc2009v078n05abeh004020
  162. Perlovich, German L.; Proshin, Alexey N.; Volkova, Tatyana V.; Kurkov, Sergey V.; Grigoriev, Vlaimir V.; Petrova, Ludmila N.; Bachurin, Sergey O. Novel Isothiourea Derivatives as Potent Neuroprotectors and Cognition Enhancers: Synthesis, Biological and Physicochemical Properties. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2009, 52(7), 1845-1852. DOI: 10.1021/jm8012882
  163. И.В.Серков, В.В.Безуглов. О-Нитраты гидроксиаминокислот серина и треонина. Химия природных соединений 2008, № 1, 52–53. (Serkov I.V., Bezuglov V.V. o-nitrates of hydroxyamino acids serine and threonine. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 2008. 44. № 1. 67-68) DOI: 10.1007/s10600-008-0017-9
  164. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Shukkur, A. Kh.; Serova, T. M. Synthesis of 1,8-nonamethylene-3,6-diazahomoadamantan-9-one. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry 2008, 44(5), 763. DOI: 10.1134/s1070428008050230
  165. Turanov, A. N.; Karandashev, V. K.; Proshin, A. N. Extraction of Palladium(II) from Nitric Acid Solutions with 1-Benzoyl-3-[6-(3-benzoyl-thioureido)-hexyl]thiourea. Solvent Extraction and Ion Exchange 2008, 26(4), 360-374. DOI: 10.1080/07366290802182865
  166. Proshin, A. N.; Pushin, A. N.; Makarov, M. V. Dimer of 5-methyl-3-isoxazolyl isothiocyanate. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States) 2007, 43(11), 1483-1484. DOI: 10.1007/s10593-007-0230-7
  167. Levtsova, A. A.; Chupakhin, V. I.; Proshin, A. N.; Pushin, A. N.; Trofimova, T. P.; Zefirova, O. N. Preparation of potential nitric oxide synthase inhibitors from 2-amino-5,6-dihydro-4H-1,3-thiazine derivatives. Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 2: Khimiya 2007, 48(5), 299-301. DOI: 10.3103/S0027131407050033
  168. Trofimova, T. P.; Pushin, A. N.; Proshin, A. N.; Stash, A. I.; Mandrugin, A. A.; Fedoseev, V. M.; Proskuryakov, S. Ya. Synthesis of new 2-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-thiazolines. Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States) 2007, 9(3), 370-376. DOI: 10.1007/s10593-007-0054-5
  169. Konoplyannikov, A. G.; Proskuryakov, S. Ya.; Konoplyannikova, O. A.; Trishkina, A. I.; Stein, L. V.; Verhovsky, Yu. G.; Kolesnikova, A.I.; Trofimova, T. P.; Proshin, A. N.; Mandrugin, A. A.; Fedoseev, V. M. The influence of some NOS inhibitors, of dihydrothiazine-thiazoline row on postradiational recovery of endogenous CFU-S-8 in mice. Radiatsionnaya Biologiya, Radioekologiya 2007, 47(1), 5-9.
  170. Turanov, A. N.; Karandashev, V. K.; Proshin, A. N. Extraction properties of hexamethylene-1,6-bis[(N'-benzoyl)thiourea] in hydrochloric acid solution. Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii 2006, 51(12), 2090-2095. DOI: 10.1134/S0036023606120205
  171. Gafurov, R. G.; Grigoriev, V. Yu.; Proshin, A. N.; Chistyakov, V. G.; Martynov, I. V.; Zefirov, N. S. The role of molecular parameters of quaternary ammonium salts in their antigibberellin activity. Doklady Biological Sciences 2004, 398-421. DOI: 10.1023/b:dobs.0000046673.70852.69
  172. Gafurov, R. G.; Grigor'ev, V. Yu.; Proshin, A. N.; Chistyakov, V. G.; Martynov, I. V.; Zefirov, N. S. The importance of molecular parameters of quaternary ammonium salts in their antigibberellin (retardant) activity. Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry (Translation of Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya) 2004, 30(6), 592-598. DOI: 10.1023/b:rubi.0000049778.67576.cc
  173. Tkachenko, S. E.; Proshin, A. N.; Bachurin, S. O.; Petrova, L. N.; Zefirov, N. S. A preparation of isothiourea derivatives as calcium ion channel blockers useful for the treatment of diseases associated with dysfunction of glutamatergic neurotransmission. Russian Federation Patent, RU2223952 C2 2004-02-20
  174. Gafurov, R. G.; Grigoriev, V. Yu.; Proshin, A. N.; Chistyakov, V. G.; Martynov, I. V.; Zefirov, N. S. The role of molecular parameters of quaternary ammonium salts in their antigibberellin activity. Doklady Biological Sciences 2004, 394, 66-70 DOI: 10.1023/b:dobs.0000017133.26201.df
  175. Kuznetsov, A. I.; Serova, T. M.; Azzheurova, I. A. Synthesis of 1,8-dimethyl-3,6,10,13-tetraazatetracyclo[,13.02,7]hexadeca-2,6-diene. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry (Translation of Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii) 2004, 40(1), 140. DOI: 10.1023/b:rujo.0000034927.94975.6c
  176. Ivanov, Yu. Ya.; Tkachenko, S. E.; Proshin, A. N.; Bachurin, S. O. Derivatives of 2-amino-2-thiazoline - novel chemotype with muscarinomimetic activity. Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya 2003, 49(1), 92-95.
  177. Ivanov, Yu. Ya.; Tkachenko, S. E.; Proshin, A. N. ; Ustinov, A. K.; Bachurin, S. O. m-Cholinergic properties of 2-amino-2-thiazoline derivatives. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal (Translation of Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal) 2002, 36(11), 581-582.
  178. Bachurin, Sergey; Tkachenko, Sergey; Baskin, Igor; Lermontova, Nadegda; Mukhina, Tatyana; Petrova, Lyudmila; Ustinov, Anatoliy; Proshin, Alexey; Grigoriev, Vladimir; Lukoyanov, Nikolay. Neuroprotective and cognition-enhancing properties of MK-801 flexible analogs: Structure-activity relationships. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2001, 939, 219-236. DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.2001.tb03629.x